The Istituto Comprensivo Aldeno-Mattarello is a grouping of schools located in Mattarello, a suburb of Trento, chief town of the Trentino Province, within the Trentino Sud-Tirol region.
The Insitute covers the municipalities of Trento, Aldeno, Cimone and Garniga.
It comprises six schools and meets the educational needs of a significant number of pupils (10% of the whole territory of the Adige Valley).
Our schools are:
the Primary School of Mattarello
the Primary School of Romagnano
the ‘Antonio Fogazzaro’ Secondary School of Mattarello.
Whatch this video and visit us!
Our Institute orients and organises its activities according to a shared commitment to give impetus to teaching and educational practices that achieve the transition from “the right to study” to “the right to learn”, in a context of a school that educates to a democratic coexistence.
The Institute’s objective is to encourage real educational success that enables each student, according to his or her vocations and possibilities, to achieve not only a qualification but also an adequate ability to master and use the contents of learning in everyday life.
We have embodied eTwinning in our syllabus and best practices repertoire to ensure teachers’ practice and competence development in the pedagogical and digital areas and to promote citizenship values.
Our recent and past eTwinning projects are:
- Let’s save energy together
- Environments through art
- Insieme con il coding
- Keeping our school green garden
- About us, our schools and where we live
- Students Exchange Železná Ruda-Aldeno
- Auf dem Bauernhof
- Energie Sparen!
- Coding to save the planet
- Heroes of the 20th century
- Landscapes through art
- Lets grow our primary school garden
- Lets grow our secondary school garden
Via Delle Piazzole, 1, 38123 Romagnano (TN)
di Aldeno
Via 25 Aprile, 1/A - 38060 Aldeno (TN)
di Cimone
Località Petrolli - Cimone (TN)
di Mattarello
Via G. Poli, 11 38123 Mattarello (TN)
di Primo Grado
di Aldeno
Via Venticinque Aprile, 1 38060 Aldeno (TN)
di Primo Grado
di Mattarello
Via Torre Franca, 1 - 38123 Mattarello (TN)