About our town and region

The autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige can truly satisfy all the imaginable needs of anybody:

In winter, the skiing is absolutely unparalleled. Spring and fall offer enchanting hikes along an extensive network of well-marked trails, Laid out along the country’s northeastern border with Austria, it is a breathtaking land with:

  • permanent snow and popular ski resorts
  • imposing mountain chains and unpolluted forests
  • 297 fashinating lakes
  • alpine meadows
  • glittering waterfalls
  • amazing medieval/renaissance art towns
  • an impressively large number of castles and towers dominating the valleys (Trentino-Alto Adige is seemingly the region with the highest number of castles in the world);
  • evocative medieval-looking villages.

This is all evidence of the colourful history of this borderland, which has always marked the point of transition to and from the Latin and Germanic worlds. Due to this the place is very rich in culture and hosts a large number very interesting museums of all kind and a series of cultural events all year round.
Climates and landscapes change marvellously within 35 min. drive: from mediterranean mildness on the Lake of Garda (cultivation of olives and lemons; spas, etc) to freshness of the first mountain peaks (Brentonico, Folgaria, etc.), to become fresher and fresher going up to higher mountains.

Wa are based in the chieftown TRENTO.

It is surrounded by mountains but it lays only 300 mt. above sea level, as a consequence our climate is not very cold (minimum year average –2 degrees C. and maximum + 30). Humidity is very low, so normally neither cold nor hot weather are really annoying.

Visiting staff and students may particularly enjoy their stay in Trentino if they like:

VISITING TOWNS: daily trips can ne arranged to:

NATURE: you may have emjoy day ttrips to:

SPORTS: natural variety and climate conditions have always attracted Europe’s most dynamic people to the area. You can practice virtually any sport here and join many (tourist) clubs to learn how to practice them.

CULTURE AND HISTORY: due to its bordering position between northern and Mediterranean Europe, Trentino has represented an essential passage for a cultural exchanges between different populations, clearly evident in local traditions and history from pre-history to Roman times, from the Renaissance era to the First World War and the Statute of Autonomy. You can visit a very large number of museums of all sorts, most of them with guided tours in different languages. Trentino has more than 100 castles and military builidings of various eras, from 10 to 60 min. drive from Rovereto.

MUSIC AND SINGING: different festivals of music, theatre and dance, all year round and in various localities (squares, castles, lake shores, mountain woods, etc.), plus dedicated museums (the singer, pianist and guitarist is our son) and the new music area situated very close to our main school site, the Trentino Music Arena.


  • the MUSE is an immense museum dedicated to nature, the mountains, technology and sustainability, housed within the light-filled architecture of Renzo Piano. The many activities it offers its youngest visitors make it an unmissable stop!
  • you can find it interesting visiting the Dinosaur’s path in Rovereto;
  • The Segonzano Pyramids, ground pillars of moronic deposit, 20 mt. in height.;
  • an astronomers observatory
  • Botanical Gardens,
  • the Aeronautic Caproni Museum (in town)
  • South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, exhibiting Ötzi (the Ice Man’s, one of the few well preserved prehistoric mummies in the world, found in 1991), waterfalls, speleological grottos, etc.


  • many festivals all year round

THEME PARKS: suitable for kids and adults, thanks to the variety of shows and activities, all less than 1 hr drive from Trento. One of them, Gardaland, on the lake’s shores, the third largest theme park in Europe.